When things are broken

For 18 years and counting Sarah and I have been gardening buddies. We take it turnabout, working one week in my garden, the next in her's. It’s a ton of fun. Things that may otherwise feel overwhelming to tackle, together, as a team, we conquer!

Sarah, my gardening buddy of 18 years, at work on a spliced irrigation line.

Recently, we encountered a break in her irrigation line. So, we donned our gloves and got down and dirty fixing the line.

We humans are systems too so it makes sense that we also need a “repair” from time to time.

When things are broken, it’s important to make time to fix them.

Unlike the simple fix for the irrigation line, our ‘“breaks” can be far more complex than a spliced pipe in the garden. We are multidimensional beings after all!

Breaks may manifest in various forms, including:

  • back pain

  • digestive issues

  • anxiety

  • lack of energy

  • allergies

  • you name it

Whatever it is that has your attention, Energy Kinesiology addresses it in four different ways; physically, nutritionally, emotionally, and energetically with the goal of finding and removing the root of the often layered issue.

Sarah fixed the irrigation line


Imagine the repercussions for the garden if Sarah and I hadn’t taken the time to fix the irrigation system?

What about you? What’s going to be your end result if you choose to ignore what’s grabbing and nagging at your attention?

Is it time to remove your root, readying the way for a clear path for the new and next in your life?

Start with a complimentary consultation to see if Energy Kinesiology might be the answer for you.

Spring savings 🌳

Book an Energy Kinesiology session now and receive a complimentary
Virtual Breathwork Circle 🗣💨💫

That’s a $50 value!

Offer expires May 15th.


Saci, Thank you SO much for yesterday’s very powerful session. And for sending the report and encouragement. I am still orienting myself feeling tender and a bit emotional, strong changes afoot. YOU are BRILLIANT. Thank you for your TLC sharing your fabulous skills with me and creating dynamic change for better living and loving!
— Bev B., Mill Valley, Calif.