energy kinesiology

Masquerading Emotions

Dana, a young college student came to see me with unexplained back pain. As I began my assessment, we tried to pinpoint when it started. Dana explained it had been so long, she couldn’t remember a time she did not have this pain.

While things like yoga, exercise and chiropractic provided temporary relief, it would always come back.

Ask, listen and deliver

In my years of working with clients, what I’ve witnessed over and over again is that our bodies are holding the vital information we need in order to heal.

As an energy kinesiology practitioner, my role is to ask the body what it wants, listen, and give it what it asks for.

The body has proved over and over again that it truly knows best how to heal itself and needs only to be asked.

Four questions

Dana and I did exactly that. Using muscle testing, I “asked” her body four questions. In doing so, we ascertained in which of the four realms the issue was:

  • physical

  • emotional

  • nutritional

  • energetic

In Dana’s case, we found the origin of her back pain was in the emotional realm. It stemmed from an incident in her childhood when she’d been bullied at school.

How Emotion manifested physically

Dana’s emotional pain had manifested physically in her back. While yoga and chiropractic provided temporary relief, because the physical body was not the root of her pain, it always returned. When muscle testing revealed that the bullying was emotional pain that had manifested physically in her back, we listened and delivered the techniques her body asked for. The result? She released the trauma she had been storing in her body and she could finally experience full relief!

Epilogue: it’s been 8 years and Dana is STILL pain-free 🤸🏽‍♂️

Dana checked in with me two weeks later and she reported with delight and amazement she was still pain free. Now it’s been 8 years and unlike the temporary fixes, this time, the pain has not returned.

Are you ready to have a conversation with your body?

Are you or a loved one experiencing unexplained pain or lingering discomfort from past injuries or trauma?

“Asking” the body is a direct way to tap into how it wants to be treated and from there we can access your body’s innate healing capabilities.

Dana’s results were profound but I have seen this kind of transformation with other clients too. (Check out Maureen’s story for another example.) At the end of the day it’s always up to the body to find a way through. My role is to do my very best to help navigate the person's journey to better health. Curious if this could work for you? Sign up for a complimentary consultation:

I’m here to help you ask your body and to listen to the vital information it holds to fast track to feeling better.

What’s in your box 📦

Do you enjoy problem solving at work?

I love it! It's a mixture of challenging, rewarding, and…. magic.

I ask my energy kinesiology clients to fill out an intake form before the first appointment and often they share that at some point in their lives, they were “impacted.” Whether it was a difficult childhood, their parents' divorce, their own divorce, an accident, sexual abuse, or another form of trauma, it left an indelible mark.

Often they have done lots of work on themselves to remove that mark.

Still I hear:

“I have this recurring back pain and I’m having a flare up.”

Or, “I don’t know what else to do for my digestion! l've cut out gluten and dairy and I’m still having issues.”

Or, “I suffer from allergies but I get some relief from over the counter remedies.” (Which are good enough as bandaids.)

Body talk🤸🏻‍♀️

Usually there’s no talk of the “impact” that they had mentioned in the intake form.

With my problem solving (aka detective) hat on, I do what perhaps nobody has done before, l ASK THEIR BODY, about their back pain, digestion, allergies, etc.

They’re body is right, the issues they walked in the door with are showing up, BUT they are not priority, according to their body.


It doesn’t take more than a couple of direct questions to their bodies to land at the time of their “impact” that had a sledge hammer effect on their nervous system, and in the name of safety their nervous system halted their body at that moment in time.

Hard work

When they recall their “impact,” they often say something like, “I’ve been working on that for 30 years, I’ve done lots of healing work around it.” And yet, when I muscle test their body about the issue it is still exhibiting stress, and it shows as their priority.

The mind

What I believe is that they’ve taken the experience and their mind has thought it through. It has intellectualized it and given very good reasons why that person behaved the way they did or why that situation happened the way it happened.

The box 📦

Their intellect then puts the experiences in a box in an attempt to relocate it; keeping it at arm’s distance. Thankfully often these high achievers are able to manage their lives knowing that that experience is safely in a box and can’t hurt them again. They have good control and can explain the trauma very easily. BUT, un-be-knownst to them, every decision that they’re making in their lives is skewed on the baseline that’s sitting in their box…that “abuse, divorce, accident, etc.”

While the experience is remembered albeit “boxed up” in their mind, it’s also remembered by their back, stomach, display of allergies or debilitating migraines and, unfortunately, that means, it is still influencing their bodies.

Solution time

The next step is to ASK how their body wants to kickstart their halted nervous system by letting go at the body level where the blow is still manifested physically.

In the session we ASK which techniques will guide them back to safety, enabling their body to integrate the “impact” from many years ago.


As a result their box vanishes and the presenting symptoms often melt away immediately or over several weeks, leaving them with a feeling of less or no pain and a sense of freedom that they can’t remember having. That’s magic!

Our minds can’t do everything!

I know that if their mind, which is brilliant at solving problems at work, could have solved their “impact,” it would have done so long ago, right?!

Problem solving ✅

My superpower is ASKING your body questions, and LISTENING to its answers to reset and calm your nervous system which in-turn lightens up that indelible mark.

What people are saying after working with me:

“I can’t thank you enough. Today was really eye opening to me. I didn’t know all that stuff was going to come up, but deep down I knew that these were the things holding me back.”

(Repressed trauma: Sexual abuse. Symptom: Back pain)

“I was so shocked, I really had no idea that my digestion had anything to do with my mother, but it makes sense since I can’t remember a time I didn’t have an issue with my digestion … and as I told you, I never felt loved by my mother. I can’t believe how different and relieved I feel!”

Do you have repressed trauma locked in a 📦 box? Please contact me for a complimentary consultation.

Be bothered!

It was January of this year and a small group of us were climbing the mountain, An Caisteal (elevation 3,264 feet), in Crainlarich, Scotland. The pair of gloves 🧤 I was wearing were no match for the biting cold wind on the hillside that day and my hands were frozen to the point of pain.

And yet, despite my obvious discomfort, I had resigned myself to the situation and just pressed on.

Earlier in the week, my sister Skye had been telling me about an experience she’d had and the life lesson she learned from it: “be bothered, when it comes to taking care of yourself.” 

Eventually, on the descent I heard Skye’s words echoing in my head, I finally stopped in my tracks, put my hiking poles down, dug my feet into the earth and slung off my backpack. I reached into the bottom of my pack, and pulled out a very serious pair of mittens; ones much better suited to the bitterly cold weather.

I put them on right away and attempted to wiggle my fingers, they were frozen, I could barely move them.  

Frenetic thoughts filled my head:

“Have I permanently damaged my fingers?!”
“Why did I have the fear of inconveniencing others, to my own detriment? If it had been somebody else, wouldn’t I have wanted them to STOP and put on the right mittens? Of course I would!”
“Why was I so willing to make myself a low priority?”
I didn’t come up with any good answers, but thankfully a feeling of calm replaced those intrusive thoughts. I was grateful that I had taken care of myself by heeding Skye’s words: “be bothered.”

This experience was a humbling reminder for me that all of us are susceptible in varying degrees to postponing what’s best for us. 

I’m wondering if you’ve been stubborn like me and not been bothered, by relegating yourself to “low priority?”

Here’s a question:

What factors do you think may be contributing to your health challenges? (e.g. injury, diet, lifestyle, family history, relationships, stress, illness, job, finances, drug or alcohol use, etc.) Rank in order: 1, 2, 3.
Email me for a 20 minute free consultation and tell me your top 3 factors. I love talking about this stuff.

This question is actually taken from my intake form that I review with clients before their Energy Kinesiology session. I ask this because I believe perfect health is your birthright and that’s what I’m aiming for in our session.

Yes, it’s a lofty aim to change your contributing factors; too lofty for me, but not too lofty for your body, your body has the answers and the solutions.

My superpower is two fold: knowing which questions to ask your body, and then following through with the solution your body is seeking.

Let me know, to see if it’s something I can help you with.

Oh yes, and, while it took a good two hours for my hands to warm up again, you’ll be pleased to know there was no lasting damage. 🙌

Perhaps this story is relevant to someone you know who could benefit?
Please share this with them.
(Sessions with me can be in person or via Zoom.)

Toxic parent? Jonathan’s journey

Jonathan came to me for an energy kinesiology session. During our conversation, I learned he had successfully helped six different companies across various industries with mergers and acquisitions. Feeling accomplished with what he had done for others, he was now ready to start his own business.

Jonathan was very capable and educated. There was no visible obstacle standing in his way. And yet something was holding him back.

So without an obvious blockage he could identify, I led the conversation wherein we asked his body.

You see, your body has been with you for every single step you’ve taken in your life and it KNOWS EVERYTHING. So when the thinking mind cannot offer an answer, we ask the body.

In muscle testing Jonathan‘s body we found out that in his adolescent years, something had happened that was influencing why he couldn’t start his business.

I asked him what happened in his early teen years.

He recalled that during the school holidays his father believed that his son should work. His father gave him the job of building a fence around their property. A project that would take several weeks. With no guidance, Jonathan toiled alone.

Three weeks later, when his father came to inspect his work, he told him it was all wrong, and that he needed to begin again.

As you can imagine, Jonathan felt terrible frustration, a sense of hopelessness, and his self confidence was shattered. 

Unfortunately, the following year his father gave him another lofty project and did exactly the same thing.

So that I could gauge our progress during the session, I asked Jonathan on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being complete forgiveness/acceptance, what were his feelings about his father now, recalling these events from his youth. He retorted: “ NO forgiveness and minus 19!”

With the correlation between his inability to start his own company and his jumbled emotions for his father made clear, we moved forward with the session. Our goal now was to find some level of release or acceptance (which he warned me was impossible!)

It is reasonable under the circumstances that his thinking mind would not want to let go of or accept his past. After all, his father had been cruel. The trouble is that as an adult he was still being held captive by emotional wounds inflicted by his father decades ago. This adolescent trauma was stuck in his body and was negatively affecting his present life.

In my experience every “body” has a unique and clear path to unraveling their “invisible obstacles.” The body is just waiting to be asked.

By asking his body through muscle testing we found and highlighted his negative beliefs and stuck emotions and we continued to muscle test to find the exact reprogramming, and the solution, that would release them.

At the end of the session, I returned to the question: “on a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you forgive your father?”

Shaking his head in disbelief with a big smile on his face, he said, “I forgive him a 10!”


Six years have passed since our session so I reached out to Jonathan recently to fact check this testimonial.

Recalling that at the start of our session, when I had asked to quantify his feelings about his father, Jonathan's response was “NO forgiveness and minus 19!” 

I asked for an update, how did he feel today, six years later? He said:

“I think I am more in the acceptance phase…not that I harbor any ill feelings toward him, I simply do not feel anything at all.”

Then I asked about his dream to be an entrepreneur, did he move forward after our session? He replied:

“I am now in business with my son and we are on iteration number four. It has been a long haul and very enlightening from a personal growth perspective.”


Can Energy Kinesiology help you?

The answer is YES if like Jonathan you have ambitions, but are feeling stuck or unable to move forward.

With Energy Kinesiology we can pinpoint the root cause of what’s holding you back and release it. Letting go of stuck energy restores balance from within so you can move forward!

Start with a complimentary consultation to see if kinesiology Energy Kinesiology might be the answer for you.

When things are broken

For 18 years and counting Sarah and I have been gardening buddies. We take it turnabout, working one week in my garden, the next in her's. It’s a ton of fun. Things that may otherwise feel overwhelming to tackle, together, as a team, we conquer!

Sarah, my gardening buddy of 18 years, at work on a spliced irrigation line.

Recently, we encountered a break in her irrigation line. So, we donned our gloves and got down and dirty fixing the line.

We humans are systems too so it makes sense that we also need a “repair” from time to time.

When things are broken, it’s important to make time to fix them.

Unlike the simple fix for the irrigation line, our ‘“breaks” can be far more complex than a spliced pipe in the garden. We are multidimensional beings after all!

Breaks may manifest in various forms, including:

  • back pain

  • digestive issues

  • anxiety

  • lack of energy

  • allergies

  • you name it

Whatever it is that has your attention, Energy Kinesiology addresses it in four different ways; physically, nutritionally, emotionally, and energetically with the goal of finding and removing the root of the often layered issue.

Sarah fixed the irrigation line


Imagine the repercussions for the garden if Sarah and I hadn’t taken the time to fix the irrigation system?

What about you? What’s going to be your end result if you choose to ignore what’s grabbing and nagging at your attention?

Is it time to remove your root, readying the way for a clear path for the new and next in your life?

Start with a complimentary consultation to see if Energy Kinesiology might be the answer for you.

Spring savings 🌳

Book an Energy Kinesiology session now and receive a complimentary
Virtual Breathwork Circle 🗣💨💫

That’s a $50 value!

Offer expires May 15th.


Saci, Thank you SO much for yesterday’s very powerful session. And for sending the report and encouragement. I am still orienting myself feeling tender and a bit emotional, strong changes afoot. YOU are BRILLIANT. Thank you for your TLC sharing your fabulous skills with me and creating dynamic change for better living and loving!
— Bev B., Mill Valley, Calif.

One in Four

I wear two hats: Breathwork facilitator and Energy Kinesiology practitioner. While they both offer you a natural path to healing, Energy Kinesiology is laser sharp at pinpointing and clearing an issue.

It has been stirring in me to share my experience on the sensitive subject of miscarriage and stillbirth. Please know that if you are a sufferer, you’re not alone.

1 in 4 women experience pregnancy or infant loss

Miscarriage or stillbirth affects an estimated one in four women. While miscarriage is common, unfortunately, it's often a private experience.

[if] I were to start a file on things nobody tells you about until you’re right in the thick of them, I might begin with miscarriages. A miscarriage is lonely, painful, and demoralizing almost on a cellular level. When you have one, you will likely mistake it for a personal failure, which it is not.
— Michelle Obama

In my Energy Kinesiology practice, it’s very common for women to come to see me for some seemingly unrelated pain or issue in their body and during the session the experience of a past miscarriage resurfaces.

When I ask “when you think about your miscarriage, how stressful is it NOW?”, they consistently report that the distress they feel is still very high even though months or years have gone by. In one case it was 30 years later, and yet she still thought about it every single day. They often tell me that they don’t share their “secret” with others; their sense is to keep quiet about it and move on…and yet they can’t. This is not surprising because as Michelle says, it IS stuck at a cellular level in their body.

Each time I hear a woman's story, there’s always a rawness—I’m aware of my visceral response to it. I’m flooded with feelings of their pain and at the same time a sense of calm—because I know they’re in the right place. I’ve seen it time and time again, the body knows how to pinpoint and integrate deep tender healing around a miscarriage and I can help to make that possible for them.

Saci is extremely skilled at what she does and I highly recommend using her. Thanks to her I have been able to heal after each one of my three miscarriages. She helped me process my emotions and come to peace with what has happened. Without her, I would still be hurting and blaming myself. All three of my babies will forever be in my heart. Whenever I think of them, I’m grateful to Saci as I am filled with love instead of pain and sadness.
— Alissa Sinkler, Denver, CO
Wow. Thank you so much for the [virtual] session yesterday. I feel transformed, light, energized and deeply encouraged. I also said hello to my lovely orb and gave her a name. I woke up with my back feeling not so sore, not perfect, but not scary, like before. You have a remarkable talent. I feel so lucky to have walked into this space with you.
— Natalia Kaminski, Oakland, CA

If it’s you who’s had the personal experience, please reach out to me. Together, we’ll work toward healing and recovery.

If it’s a family member, another loved one, or even your OB/GYN whose patients could benefit, please forward them this post. It’s never too late to initiate healing.

Where's Maureen?


My husband Sean and I were enjoying a vacation in the northwoods of Wisconsin with his childhood group of friends—the Holers. When Maureen didn’t show up for dinner, I asked where she was. Jerry explained that Maureen was lying down, suffering from a migraine. He went on to say these migraines were a daily occurrence.

My curiosity got the better of me and I couldn’t help but knock on her bedroom door to find out more.

Maureen explained that she had had a migraine every day for the last 29 years. She was very matter-of-fact and completely resigned and accepting, even chipper and cheerful about it. She talked of many visits to specialists over the years, and yet nobody was able to help her.

I asked her if she’d like me to “ask her body” why she was having migraines? She seemed surprised at this rather bizarre question but at the same time she was most intrigued and graciously willing to explore further.

Maureen relayed that some 30 years earlier, she had been in a bad car accident where a school bus rear ended her car from behind while she was stopped at a traffic light. She suffered severe whiplash. And then six months later, she began suffering migraines.

The Body Keeps the Score

I asked her if she were to rate how stressful she felt (not what she thought) now about the accident on a scale from 1 to 10, she paused and said 8 or 9, and then she poured out every detail of what transpired.

At her bedside, I muscle tested her body and before our eyes her body guided us to unravel and reframe the experience in her body around the accident.

I was not surprised, as I’ve seen it so many times before where the body will hold onto trauma even after many, many years. The mind is able to create distance as time goes on by talking about it. It makes sense that the body also needs a way to process and defuse the experience, but without a means, those feelings get sealed inside.

Migraines no more

About five years later, at another Holer gathering in Chicago. I recalled the energy kinesiology session with Maureen and I asked her, “how are your migraines?” She told me that she hadn’t had one since our vacation in Wisconsin! Even I was amazed at hearing the stark change for her. I couldn’t help but ask her husband, is that really true? He affirmed it was!

“Asking” the body is a direct way to tap into how it wants to be treated and from there we can access your body’s innate healing capabilities.

I would never have told Maureen to expect the outcome she was lucky enough to have (other clients, like Dana, have had similar results). At the end of the day it’s always up to the body, to find a way through. My role is to do my very best to help navigate the person's journey to better health and for Maureen (and Dana) the results were profound!

Are you ready to have a conversation with your body?

I’m ready to listen and partner with you to reclaim your health.

Book your free 20 minute consultation: