Jonathan came to me for an energy kinesiology session. During our conversation, I learned he had successfully helped six different companies across various industries with mergers and acquisitions. Feeling accomplished with what he had done for others, he was now ready to start his own business.
Jonathan was very capable and educated. There was no visible obstacle standing in his way. And yet something was holding him back.
So without an obvious blockage he could identify, I led the conversation wherein we asked his body.
You see, your body has been with you for every single step you’ve taken in your life and it KNOWS EVERYTHING. So when the thinking mind cannot offer an answer, we ask the body.
In muscle testing Jonathan‘s body we found out that in his adolescent years, something had happened that was influencing why he couldn’t start his business.
I asked him what happened in his early teen years.
He recalled that during the school holidays his father believed that his son should work. His father gave him the job of building a fence around their property. A project that would take several weeks. With no guidance, Jonathan toiled alone.
Three weeks later, when his father came to inspect his work, he told him it was all wrong, and that he needed to begin again.
As you can imagine, Jonathan felt terrible frustration, a sense of hopelessness, and his self confidence was shattered.
Unfortunately, the following year his father gave him another lofty project and did exactly the same thing.
So that I could gauge our progress during the session, I asked Jonathan on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being complete forgiveness/acceptance, what were his feelings about his father now, recalling these events from his youth. He retorted: “ NO forgiveness and minus 19!”
With the correlation between his inability to start his own company and his jumbled emotions for his father made clear, we moved forward with the session. Our goal now was to find some level of release or acceptance (which he warned me was impossible!)
It is reasonable under the circumstances that his thinking mind would not want to let go of or accept his past. After all, his father had been cruel. The trouble is that as an adult he was still being held captive by emotional wounds inflicted by his father decades ago. This adolescent trauma was stuck in his body and was negatively affecting his present life.
In my experience every “body” has a unique and clear path to unraveling their “invisible obstacles.” The body is just waiting to be asked.
By asking his body through muscle testing we found and highlighted his negative beliefs and stuck emotions and we continued to muscle test to find the exact reprogramming, and the solution, that would release them.
At the end of the session, I returned to the question: “on a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you forgive your father?”
Shaking his head in disbelief with a big smile on his face, he said, “I forgive him a 10!”
Six years have passed since our session so I reached out to Jonathan recently to fact check this testimonial.
Recalling that at the start of our session, when I had asked to quantify his feelings about his father, Jonathan's response was “NO forgiveness and minus 19!”
I asked for an update, how did he feel today, six years later? He said:
“I think I am more in the acceptance phase…not that I harbor any ill feelings toward him, I simply do not feel anything at all.”
Then I asked about his dream to be an entrepreneur, did he move forward after our session? He replied:
“I am now in business with my son and we are on iteration number four. It has been a long haul and very enlightening from a personal growth perspective.”
Can Energy Kinesiology help you?
The answer is YES if like Jonathan you have ambitions, but are feeling stuck or unable to move forward.
With Energy Kinesiology we can pinpoint the root cause of what’s holding you back and release it. Letting go of stuck energy restores balance from within so you can move forward!
Start with a complimentary consultation to see if kinesiology Energy Kinesiology might be the answer for you.