It was January of this year and a small group of us were climbing the mountain, An Caisteal (elevation 3,264 feet), in Crainlarich, Scotland. The pair of gloves 🧤 I was wearing were no match for the biting cold wind on the hillside that day and my hands were frozen to the point of pain.
And yet, despite my obvious discomfort, I had resigned myself to the situation and just pressed on.
Earlier in the week, my sister Skye had been telling me about an experience she’d had and the life lesson she learned from it: “be bothered, when it comes to taking care of yourself.”
Eventually, on the descent I heard Skye’s words echoing in my head, I finally stopped in my tracks, put my hiking poles down, dug my feet into the earth and slung off my backpack. I reached into the bottom of my pack, and pulled out a very serious pair of mittens; ones much better suited to the bitterly cold weather.
I put them on right away and attempted to wiggle my fingers, they were frozen, I could barely move them.
Frenetic thoughts filled my head:
“Have I permanently damaged my fingers?!”
“Why did I have the fear of inconveniencing others, to my own detriment? If it had been somebody else, wouldn’t I have wanted them to STOP and put on the right mittens? Of course I would!”
“Why was I so willing to make myself a low priority?”
I didn’t come up with any good answers, but thankfully a feeling of calm replaced those intrusive thoughts. I was grateful that I had taken care of myself by heeding Skye’s words: “be bothered.”
This experience was a humbling reminder for me that all of us are susceptible in varying degrees to postponing what’s best for us.
I’m wondering if you’ve been stubborn like me and not been bothered, by relegating yourself to “low priority?”
Here’s a question:
What factors do you think may be contributing to your health challenges? (e.g. injury, diet, lifestyle, family history, relationships, stress, illness, job, finances, drug or alcohol use, etc.) Rank in order: 1, 2, 3.
Email me for a 20 minute free consultation and tell me your top 3 factors. I love talking about this stuff.
This question is actually taken from my intake form that I review with clients before their Energy Kinesiology session. I ask this because I believe perfect health is your birthright and that’s what I’m aiming for in our session.
Yes, it’s a lofty aim to change your contributing factors; too lofty for me, but not too lofty for your body, your body has the answers and the solutions.
My superpower is two fold: knowing which questions to ask your body, and then following through with the solution your body is seeking.
Let me know, to see if it’s something I can help you with.
Oh yes, and, while it took a good two hours for my hands to warm up again, you’ll be pleased to know there was no lasting damage. 🙌
Perhaps this story is relevant to someone you know who could benefit?
Please share this with them.
(Sessions with me can be in person or via Zoom.)