Masquerading Emotions

Dana, a young college student came to see me with unexplained back pain. As I began my assessment, we tried to pinpoint when it started. Dana explained it had been so long, she couldn’t remember a time she did not have this pain.

While things like yoga, exercise and chiropractic provided temporary relief, it would always come back.

Ask, listen and deliver

In my years of working with clients, what I’ve witnessed over and over again is that our bodies are holding the vital information we need in order to heal.

As an energy kinesiology practitioner, my role is to ask the body what it wants, listen, and give it what it asks for.

The body has proved over and over again that it truly knows best how to heal itself and needs only to be asked.

Four questions

Dana and I did exactly that. Using muscle testing, I “asked” her body four questions. In doing so, we ascertained in which of the four realms the issue was:

  • physical

  • emotional

  • nutritional

  • energetic

In Dana’s case, we found the origin of her back pain was in the emotional realm. It stemmed from an incident in her childhood when she’d been bullied at school.

How Emotion manifested physically

Dana’s emotional pain had manifested physically in her back. While yoga and chiropractic provided temporary relief, because the physical body was not the root of her pain, it always returned. When muscle testing revealed that the bullying was emotional pain that had manifested physically in her back, we listened and delivered the techniques her body asked for. The result? She released the trauma she had been storing in her body and she could finally experience full relief!

Epilogue: it’s been 8 years and Dana is STILL pain-free 🤸🏽‍♂️

Dana checked in with me two weeks later and she reported with delight and amazement she was still pain free. Now it’s been 8 years and unlike the temporary fixes, this time, the pain has not returned.

Are you ready to have a conversation with your body?

Are you or a loved one experiencing unexplained pain or lingering discomfort from past injuries or trauma?

“Asking” the body is a direct way to tap into how it wants to be treated and from there we can access your body’s innate healing capabilities.

Dana’s results were profound but I have seen this kind of transformation with other clients too. (Check out Maureen’s story for another example.) At the end of the day it’s always up to the body to find a way through. My role is to do my very best to help navigate the person's journey to better health. Curious if this could work for you? Sign up for a complimentary consultation:

I’m here to help you ask your body and to listen to the vital information it holds to fast track to feeling better.