I wear two hats: Breathwork facilitator and Energy Kinesiology practitioner. While they both offer you a natural path to healing, Energy Kinesiology is laser sharp at pinpointing and clearing an issue.
It has been stirring in me to share my experience on the sensitive subject of miscarriage and stillbirth. Please know that if you are a sufferer, you’re not alone.
Miscarriage or stillbirth affects an estimated one in four women. While miscarriage is common, unfortunately, it's often a private experience.
In my Energy Kinesiology practice, it’s very common for women to come to see me for some seemingly unrelated pain or issue in their body and during the session the experience of a past miscarriage resurfaces.
When I ask “when you think about your miscarriage, how stressful is it NOW?”, they consistently report that the distress they feel is still very high even though months or years have gone by. In one case it was 30 years later, and yet she still thought about it every single day. They often tell me that they don’t share their “secret” with others; their sense is to keep quiet about it and move on…and yet they can’t. This is not surprising because as Michelle says, it IS stuck at a cellular level in their body.
Each time I hear a woman's story, there’s always a rawness—I’m aware of my visceral response to it. I’m flooded with feelings of their pain and at the same time a sense of calm—because I know they’re in the right place. I’ve seen it time and time again, the body knows how to pinpoint and integrate deep tender healing around a miscarriage and I can help to make that possible for them.
If it’s you who’s had the personal experience, please reach out to me. Together, we’ll work toward healing and recovery.
If it’s a family member, another loved one, or even your OB/GYN whose patients could benefit, please forward them this post. It’s never too late to initiate healing.