Do you enjoy problem solving at work?
I love it! It's a mixture of challenging, rewarding, and…. magic.
I ask my energy kinesiology clients to fill out an intake form before the first appointment and often they share that at some point in their lives, they were “impacted.” Whether it was a difficult childhood, their parents' divorce, their own divorce, an accident, sexual abuse, or another form of trauma, it left an indelible mark.
Often they have done lots of work on themselves to remove that mark.
Still I hear:
“I have this recurring back pain and I’m having a flare up.”
Or, “I don’t know what else to do for my digestion! l've cut out gluten and dairy and I’m still having issues.”
Or, “I suffer from allergies but I get some relief from over the counter remedies.” (Which are good enough as bandaids.)
Body talk🤸🏻♀️
Usually there’s no talk of the “impact” that they had mentioned in the intake form.
With my problem solving (aka detective) hat on, I do what perhaps nobody has done before, l ASK THEIR BODY, about their back pain, digestion, allergies, etc.
They’re body is right, the issues they walked in the door with are showing up, BUT they are not priority, according to their body.
It doesn’t take more than a couple of direct questions to their bodies to land at the time of their “impact” that had a sledge hammer effect on their nervous system, and in the name of safety their nervous system halted their body at that moment in time.
Hard work
When they recall their “impact,” they often say something like, “I’ve been working on that for 30 years, I’ve done lots of healing work around it.” And yet, when I muscle test their body about the issue it is still exhibiting stress, and it shows as their priority.
The mind
What I believe is that they’ve taken the experience and their mind has thought it through. It has intellectualized it and given very good reasons why that person behaved the way they did or why that situation happened the way it happened.
The box 📦
Their intellect then puts the experiences in a box in an attempt to relocate it; keeping it at arm’s distance. Thankfully often these high achievers are able to manage their lives knowing that that experience is safely in a box and can’t hurt them again. They have good control and can explain the trauma very easily. BUT, un-be-knownst to them, every decision that they’re making in their lives is skewed on the baseline that’s sitting in their box…that “abuse, divorce, accident, etc.”
While the experience is remembered albeit “boxed up” in their mind, it’s also remembered by their back, stomach, display of allergies or debilitating migraines and, unfortunately, that means, it is still influencing their bodies.
Solution time
The next step is to ASK how their body wants to kickstart their halted nervous system by letting go at the body level where the blow is still manifested physically.
In the session we ASK which techniques will guide them back to safety, enabling their body to integrate the “impact” from many years ago.
As a result their box vanishes and the presenting symptoms often melt away immediately or over several weeks, leaving them with a feeling of less or no pain and a sense of freedom that they can’t remember having. That’s magic!
Our minds can’t do everything!
I know that if their mind, which is brilliant at solving problems at work, could have solved their “impact,” it would have done so long ago, right?!
Problem solving ✅
My superpower is ASKING your body questions, and LISTENING to its answers to reset and calm your nervous system which in-turn lightens up that indelible mark.
What people are saying after working with me:
“I can’t thank you enough. Today was really eye opening to me. I didn’t know all that stuff was going to come up, but deep down I knew that these were the things holding me back.”
(Repressed trauma: Sexual abuse. Symptom: Back pain)
“I was so shocked, I really had no idea that my digestion had anything to do with my mother, but it makes sense since I can’t remember a time I didn’t have an issue with my digestion … and as I told you, I never felt loved by my mother. I can’t believe how different and relieved I feel!”
Do you have repressed trauma locked in a 📦 box? Please contact me for a complimentary consultation.