Are you ready to shake things up this year? Instead of the typical word-of-the-year tradition, I'm setting my sights on cultivating a character trait. How about joining me on this mission?
Character development starts in childhood. At 11 years old I was given a pony named Bobby. He was cheeky, clever, and had a penchant for nuzzling into my pockets for carrots and pony nuts. I loved him to the moon and back.
However, my parents laid down a clear rule – he’s your responsibility. Fail to take full charge of his care and feeding, and he'll be sold.
Without question every evening, after school, in the dark with no street lights on country lanes, I’d pedal my bike about 2 miles to feed him. On snowy days, when biking wasn’t an option, I'd walk. (Yes, different times back then!)
Weekends were spent bonding with Bobby. I’d pack a picnic lunch and a hot flask and I’d spend ALL day with him, grooming, riding in the forest and on the moors, building jumps out of fallen logs, even herding the dairy cows at milking time.
Bobby not only taught me responsibility he filled me with confidence, joy, love and happiness. Fast forward to today, and that “responsible” character trait has stuck with me throughout my life.
As adults, we can choose which character traits we want to nurture. In 2024, I've chosen listening (or more specifically, being an attentive listener).
Contemplate which character trait you would like to further develop this year? Share it with me, and let's embark on this journey together. We’ll be stepping toward our best selves in 2024.
“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” -Bryant H. McGill